davey rockwell video editor in Clearwater, FL

Top Performing Videos With Davey Rockwell as Editor

Before we get into Davey Rockwell Post-Production’s consistent approach to building videos that get strong viewership, let’s first make a clear point about why not all views are created equal.

What is a “View” on Youtube?

View count is the number of views a video has received on Youtube. Youtube counts a view when someone watches a video for more than 30 seconds. Youtube also limits the amount of counted views any one person can provide on one video per day.

Do Views Matter on Youtube?

The biggest measure of success on Youtube is not view count, but having strong viewership is front and center. It’s one of the first things people look at when deciding if they are going to watch a video.

If you are a business, non-profit, or politician, strong a view count on a hot topic could establish you as an authority which would lead to more clients, more customers, more voters, more donors, etc.

If you are an artist or creator, strong view count could mean that you are on-trend and relevant with your immediate audience (aka subscribers). This will broaden the amount of people who are willing to give your art or creation a chance and also subscribe.

A strong view count is like a safety net for your audience walking the thin line between stay or skip. Strong viewership will let them know it’s safe to stay and keep them watching long enough to possibly become your fans and subscribers.

Get More Eyeballs On It

We already talked about how strong viewership on a video can create a feeling of safety and authority. This is a wonderful way to connect with your audience and get them to take an action (or at least watch till the end.) Creators, advertisers and businesses love this concept. This makes views extremely valuable and as a result, people buy and sell them.

Promoted, Sponsored, Boosted

The idea behind “getting more eyeballs” through Ad Spend on a video, is an approach for quick volume. More views in less time means more chances to get people to jump onboard before capital runs out. People who pay for views may have a lot at stake and need to quickly figure out the direction to take for long term investment.

So, when looking at view count you should definitely understand the fact that some videos have high view counts because they have been forcefully put in front of an audience.

The Price of Organic Growth

Over time Youtube will favor content that continues to grow organically, so it ultimately comes down to the actual quality of the work that has been posted. This is why you pay for good equipment when making videos. It’s why you make a plan to be informative and entertaining. It’s why you spend the time figuring out what your audience likes and what they don’t

Even organic growth in view count is paid for by someone. Except, unlike paid promotion where views are paid for like a commodity; with organic growth, views are paid for through investment and sacrifice.

To get more eyeballs on it, both organic and paid promotional approaches should be utilized.

Good Views vs. Bad Views

Is there such thing as a bad view? Some people would say no. This is the concept that, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity.”

As a creator who makes a living in the industry, Davey Rockwell would have to side on the opposite side here. Notoriety may get you noticed, but it probably won’t get you sales. At least not immediately. But, in any case long-term strategy must be employed. We’ll talk about going viral with a plan a little later in this article.

Working with a Professional to Get More Views

Organic growth through any medium is a big job with a lot of moving parts so the other investment an individual, business, organization or brand might make is to hire a production professional. If you’re looking to hire Davey Rockwell as an editor on your next video project, you may be wondering, what level of success could you expect to achieve with the view count on your video. To answer that question, here’s a round-up of Davey’s most successful videos since 2018.

Most Viewed Video of 2022

Sometimes people shoot their video or pay someone to shoot it for them, but are never able to tie it together in post-production. The most viewed video of 2022 for Davey Rockwell Post-Production was exactly a case of a talented artist who had a vision, but needed a good editor. Gaining over 18k views in it’s first month of being posted, this video takes the top spot for any Davey Rockwell Post-Production work (not just in 2022.)

When the talent is superb, the video is beautiful and the editing is done by DRPP.

Davey loves to work with talented artists and media professionals to finish their projects with a unique attention to detail and visual sense of poetry in motion. Ready to finish your project?

Most Viewed Video of 2021

When someone needs a brand new Youtube Channel created, it’s not always the case that the first round of videos will be chartbusters, but 2021’s most viewed video broke that mold gaining over 12K views in its first year. Check out PrayingMantisPet.com’s “The Easiest Way to Feed and Water a Praying Mantis Pet”.

Capitalize on a trending search topic. Wait, is Praying Mantis trending?

Most Viewed Video of 2020

A good example of how putting Adspend behind a video’s release will drastically increase viewership comes from 2020’s most viewed video. Before Davey Rockwell Post-Production officially formed, the company he exclusively produced videos for one company. The company asked for a video to promote a downloadable PDF lead generator. Davey delivered. 118K views later…

This is what can happen when you spend money to boost a video.

Most Viewed Video of 2019

It can be really difficult for a business to talk about themselves. The most viewed video in 2019 was made partly as a way to teach businesses to talk about themselves and more importantly as a way for Jimi to vent some frustration. At 6.7k views, this video is the most viewed video of 2019.

This video was made popular by becoming apart of the onboarding process for the company.

Most Viewed Video of 2018

The top performing video produced in 2018 by Davey is the most viewed video on Davey’s personal Youtube channel. Having posted on a lot of Youtube Channels, this video has done something special, getting over 4,000 views with less than 100 subscribers on the channel. The comments are also truly revealing for how this video strikes a chord with its audience. As documentarian at heart and with family ties to this story, this is a personal favorite for Davey. Please check it out and subscribe to the channel.

The story behind how this video was made is a story in itself. Subscribe to the blog to get the latest content updates from Davey Rockwell Post-Production.

How to Get More Views in 2023

If you think views on a video don’t require an investment you are wrong. Views are either earned through an investment in equipment and time or bought through paid promotion, boosting or sponsorship.

What About “Going Viral”?

If you want to pretend that going viral is going to just happen when you are in the right place at the right time, you will be consistently let down. In addition, if you don’t recognize that some viral content is actually boosted, promoted or sponsored content, you can be duped. And lastly, if you are planning on going viral, you are planning for the wrong thing. You should instead be planning your ad-spend, or how you plan to grow your channel longterm after you break through.

Why Davey Rockwell Post-Production

Davey Rockwell Post-Production aims to help you make video content look better in every phase of development. Media creation can even be a process that our clients learn to do “in-house” if they choose. We’ll provide the training.

Want More Content?

Hope you have had an enjoyable experience looking through DRPP’s most popular content up to this point (2023). Thank you for taking the time to also learn about views and strategies for achieving strong viewership on Youtube.

If you would like to leave a comment about videos you are currently working on or have questions about the content we create or who we ar, head over to the contact page and drop us a line. Please visit our Youtube Page and subscribe!

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